Tuesday, August 25, 2009

For 1 Debates 2009 Carpe Diem School

When using human embryonic stem cells, cells can regenerate any kind of tissue without the risk of forming tumors, as is the case when using adult stem cells:

Good Afternoon ladies and Gentlemen. My name's Daniela Montenero, I represent Colegio Carpe Diem School. I will present the first speaker in the proposition team.

When using human embryonic stem cells, cells can regenerate any kind of tissue and can give us valuable information about the forming tumors, which is not the case when using adult stem cells:

  • Adult Stem Cells do not transform with the same freedom as embryonic stem cells. They are limited in specialization by the area in which they were removed, for example: a heart stem cell can only transform into one of the specialized cells of the heart. As a result, cells harvested from another person may not be tolerated by the human body. Therefore, they would not fulfill the functions for wich they where injected. The success rate using adult stem cells compared with embryonic stem cells is lower.
  • The Embryonic Stem Cells are more basic and can transform into more specialized cells. They are able to divide and renew themselves for long periods, and can therefore be harvested much more successfully.
  • Because Embryonic Stem Cells are so much more basic, and they run the entire cycle of differentiation, scientists are able to study the development of human cells. A better understanding of normal cell development will allow us to understand and perhaps correct the errors that cause certain medical contidions.
  • According to the “United States National Institute of Health,” studying stem cells will help us unsderstand how they transform into the dazzlind array of specialized cells that make us what we are. Some of the most serious medical contidions, shuch as cancer and birth defects, are due to problems that occur somewhere in this process. (http://stemcells.nih.gov)
  • To explain it in simpler language, when injecting embryonic stem cells in the body they are transformed into cells that can cure deadly diseases that exist today.
  • Many doctors and researchers propose the idea of continue with the investigations since the results have got great medical potential. If we think about the large number of lives that can be saved through the use of stem cells there will be change in the way we think about this.
  • As cancer and heart disease are two of the leading causes of death in Chile, it would only be responsible for scienctists to understand the process of cell transformation in order to help understand and cure cancer, as well as learn the process in which cells can transform and repair damaged tissue to help with other diseases like heart disease. To ignore this science is to ignore one of the most potential life saving sciences ever.


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